
Top 6 Food Packaging options for your brand products

Sustainable food packaging options for your brand

Top 6 sustainable Food Packaging options for your brand products

Sustainable top 6 Food Packaging options for your brand products, due to the environmental and human health effects of non-biodegradable plastic packaging, it has become an unavoidable product in our daily life. Many brands are in the race of reducing plastic production and increase the recycling process with the promotion of using more sustainable food packaging. Plastic is one of the most hazardous products for oceans and landfills. These plastics are used for almost all purposes starting from medicine containers to the furniture manufacturing process.

Many people don’t bother with this thing when they buy a buy food it is packed in plastic but plastic is often called a slow poison. Some factors that make plastic a most useable material its durability, low price, and convenience to transfer but plastic release many poisonous gases that can cause many serious diseases. So, people must be aware of the threats that plastic container food can cause to them and the environment. So, instead of using plastic containers, there are so many other options for packaging your food. Here are the top five sustainable food packaging options that are best for your brands.

Stainless steel:

One of the best options for food and beverage packaging instead of using plastic containers is stainless steel. It is durable, rust-free, and heat-resistant making it the safest choice for packaging your food storage. People choose this type of packaging because it is reusable and recyclable. Stainless steel is mostly used for lunch boxes but most products use stainless silicon to make them leak-free. The glass jars mostly use stainless steel lids that are airtight for keeping bulk food like flour, grains are spices safe and useful for longer periods.

Glass containers:

Glass has multiple uses and benefits for daily life products. It is also a reusable, recyclable, and durable material for packing food. Glass is easy to clean and use as a transportable material. It included water bottles and bento boxes. But glass lids are not leak-free, which makes them unideal for many containers. Better options for these containers’ lids are stainless steel. Moreover, you can use silicon seals or bamboo lids. Glass containers have a life span of 3 to 5 years unless broken. These glass containers are better than plastic because they can reduce the negative environmental impact of plastic.


Bamboo is another packaging material that can best for packing food items. It is biodegradable and has many desirable traits like durability and heat-resistant. Bamboo packing for food products includes countertop glass jars with bamboo lids, bamboo bread boxes, portable plastic-free lunch boxes with bamboo lids, and food serving bowls. But, one thing to keep in mind is that food containers made of bamboo or other any kind of plant fibers are less durable than glass or stainless steel.

bamboo food packaging

Gelatin films:

Another best option for food containers other than plastic is gelatin films. These films are becoming more and more popular for packing food items because they are non-toxic, low-cost, and reliable. Gelatin films are generally recognized as safe materials for packing food products. These films are normally filled with antimicrobial cellulose which stops the growth of common pathogens that can cause diseases. This thing makes these containers a safer product than compared to plastic.


Cartons are made from corrugated cardboard that is coated with paraffin. It is one of the most durable materials against moisture. These are available in multiple food packing styles for egg, aseptic, folding, or gable-top. These boxes have multiple properties like they have gables at their top that can be pinched and pulled to open. They are the safer ones when they are on their way to transport the food items.

Rice husk:

Rice husk is one of the best materials for food packing items rather than using plastic. It is a byproduct of rice farming. It is a low-cost, renewable, and biodegradable material that is best for packing food items. Moreover, rice husk is often called a bio-adsorbent product that can absorb pollutants from its surrounding environment. Rice husk is best for making compounds like sealable lunch boxes and shatterproof serving bowls.


So, packing and transporting food items become a modern-day trend. Packing these food items in plastic can be dangerous for human health and the environment. Instead of using plastic, these above-mentioned materials are best for packing food items.



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