Nails that are well-kept are one of the most attractive features of our hands. Even if you do not have time to visit the salon for beauty services, at least once a week nails should be given due attention. Especially if you like outdoor activities in the form of hard work in the country or trips to the nearby forest for a picnic. You can get rid of stubborn earth and return your nails to a well-groomed appearance without much difficulty. Nowadays there are so many nail services that will give you perfect nail care. So you should understand that manicures and pedicures are so important for your nails.
A few tips.
- Before proceeding with a manicure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, removing the remnants of varnish with a conditioner with vitamins.
- The nails are trimmed and given the desired form once the lacquer is removed. If you have a wide palm, then nails of medium length and square shape will look best. The best option for all types of brushes is oval nails. After clipping your nails, use a special file to smooth off the harsh scratching edges. Try not to grind down the smooth surface of the nail by moving it lightly and without pressure solely towards the middle. Nails should be filed in a single direction to avoid splitting.
- To get rid of stubborn dirt, take a lemon, cut off the edge from it and dip your nails into the pulp. Allow three minutes for the juice to soak into the nails. Rinse off – and get perfectly clean nails. In a similar way, you can solve the problem of yellow nails, often found in smokers.
- Then the hands are lowered into a hot aqueous soapy solution so that the nail skin is soaked and steamed. The length of the bath is determined by the skin’s structure. Some women need 15 minutes. While others have skin so soft and supple that after 3-4 minutes you can treat your hands.
- After the skin has become soft, a nourishing cream is rubbed into it. And the nail skin, together with the nail roller, is shifted and removed using manicure tweezers. Excessive removal of the skin in places of contact with the nail bed is unacceptable. The nail will not increase from this, but the wound can become inflamed and cause the nail to fall out.
- After treating the skin around the nail and carefully removing the burrs with scissors. The nail roller is treated with a cotton swab moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and olive oil.
- Now you can apply varnish on your nails and complete the procedure by lubricating your hands with a nourishing cream. If you are sensitive to nail polish, or just don’t want to polish your nails often, you can increase the shine of your nails by using lemon juice or grape vinegar. Or by buffing your nails to a shine with a piece of chamois.
To make your nails look healthy, include in your diet more foods containing vitamin A (cottage cheese, milk, liver, eggs, fish, nuts, carrots, spinach, pumpkin). And also eat jelly from berry juice – cranberries, currants, etc. d.
The simplest and most affordable way to get rid of layered nails is to bathe using sea or ocean salts. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and soak your fingertips in it daily for 15-20 minutes. Pampering frail and brittle nails with warm vegetable oil baths 1-2 times per week is beneficial (ideally olive oil). Add a few drops of vitamin A (available at a pharmacy), 3 drops of iodine and 5 drops of lemon juice to it.
Types of manicures.
Today, the European style is popular, that is, a rectangular nail plate. As for colors, the fashion for color is constantly changing. In summer, the color of ripe berries is considered extremely relevant. And for the winter, mother-of-pearls of various shades are offered: pink, beige, steel. By the way, the mother-of-pearl varnish is recommended to be applied in two layers, and any other, regardless of color, in three.
The foil effect and artistic painting are also very fashionable: there can be several colors on one nail plate. Those who prefer an avant-garde style can use decals that are applied to the varnish. Rhinestones are also popular now – small shiny pebbles. Of course, on all fingers, they will look vulgar, but on one they are quite original and even piquant.
One of the most elegant ways to decorate your nails is a French manicure. When performing a classic French manicure.A base is applied to the nails, allowed to dry and varnish in a natural color. It is best to use transparent varnishes of delicate shades. When this varnish dries, the white varnish is applied to the tip of the nail. And then the entire free edge of the nail is covered with white varnish. It is better to start the coating from the right side edge, draw the brush to the middle of the nail. And then repeat the same on the left side. After this layer has dried, apply one or two coats of pink nail polish all over the nail, and finally, cover the nails with a fixer.