
Top 10 reasons to switch to organic fertilizer for your garden

Top 10 reasons to switch to organic fertilizer for your garden

Top 10 reasons to switch to organic fertilizer for your garden

There are numerous benefits of using organic fertilizer over traditional chemical fertilizers, but here are the top 10 reasons to switch to organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers also come in different varieties and can be used throughout your garden on everything from flowers to trees to vegetables. No matter what you’re growing, here are some great reasons to use an organic fertilizer that will add color and beauty to your garden all year long.

1) Organic fertilizers increase nutrient levels in plants
The big problem with synthetic fertilizers is that they often create nutrient imbalances in the soil, as opposed to correcting them. Organic fertilizers offer a variety of different nutrients that keep these imbalances in check and make sure plants are getting the right type of nutrition they need. They also work more slowly than synthetic, which helps improve the balance of microbes in the soil. The result? Healthy soil means healthy plants. Plants thrive on a balanced diet. Synthetic fertilizers may cause nutrient imbalances in the soil.
The big problem with synthetic fertilizers is that they often create nutrient imbalances in the soil, as opposed to correcting them. Organic fertilizers offer a variety of different nutrients that keep these imbalances in check and make sure plants are getting the right type of nutrition they need. They also work more slowly than synthetic, which helps improve the balance of microbes in the soil. The result?

2) Organic fertilizers fight against pests and diseases
Organic fertilizers fight against pests and diseases. This type of fertilizer has a higher nutrient density, meaning more nutrients can be contained in less space. This increases plant growth while decreasing the risk of disease. Organic fertilizers are also safer than chemical pesticides, which can affect groundwater and other aspects of our environment. You might have noticed that organic fruits and vegetables tend to taste better too. The best part is that most people report feeling healthier after eating an all-organic diet!

3) Organic fertilizers improve soil fertility
The ingredients in organic fertilizers include bat guano, animal manure, blood meal, bonemeal, cow manure, feather meal, cornmeal, and rabbit droppings. Adding these healthy ingredients will improve the fertility of the soil by adding nutrients to help plants grow better.

In addition, some homegrown fertilizers such as manure can carry dangerous pathogens and may require boiling to remove them. Animal manures are one of the best sources of nitrogen, which is needed for strong leaf growth. Blood meal and bone meal provide phosphorus which aids root development while leaf matter provides potassium and iron.

4) They are safer for both human health and the environment than synthetic substances
Studies show that synthetic fertilizers, such as nitrogen-based fertilizers, can produce nitrates in groundwater and also increase the risk of cancers and birth defects. Compost is a fantastic choice because it doesn’t leave behind harmful chemicals when used on plants.
It’s important to keep in mind that human exposure to most synthetic pesticides is limited through basic precautions like wearing gloves while working with the substance or washing hands afterward. To avoid contact with dangerous substances altogether, choose an organic option.

Top 10 reasons to switch to organic fertilizer for your garden

5) They reduce water pollution
Conventional fertilizers are often made with petroleum products and other non-renewable resources, which require much energy to produce. In addition, over-fertilizing depletes the soil of natural bacteria and fungi that can otherwise increase the vitality of a plant. This is not the case with composts or organic fertilizers made from soybeans, brewers yeast, bat guano, alfalfa meal, cottonseed meal, or kelp. These provide plant nutrients in a sustainable manner. Organic fertilizers also improve water quality by decreasing runoff. As a result, they help protect fish populations downstream.
A study published in HortScience found that plants grown with compost showed increased growth rates as well as greater nutrient content than those grown without it.

6) They don’t lead to runoff of chemicals into natural water systems
In order to support healthy plant growth, most fertilizers on the market today contain synthetic chemicals that may be toxic. Unlike most fertilizers, natural fertilizers do not contain chemicals and are also healthier for humans and animals.

7) They don’t leave behind toxic residues in plant tissue
One of the major benefits of organic fertilizers is that they provide a boost for plants and get nutrients deep into their roots. This allows you to use less fertilizer in the long-term and saves you money over time. These microbes help break down dead plant material and other materials like manure.

8) Use them on trees and shrubs too!
Organic fertilizers offer a range of benefits that make them well worth the extra effort. When choosing an organic fertilizer, it’s important to pick one with a mix of ingredients. Here are ten benefits that make it worthwhile to switch to natural fertilizers.

1) They won’t burn your plants

2) Used for any type of plant or tree

3) They’re better for people and animals

4) There is less risk of pollution

5) They don’t contaminate groundwater

6) they don’t create runoff

7) they don’t add phosphorous to lakes

8) they’re environmentally friendly

9) they encourage earthworms and other beneficial organisms in the soil

10) they promote a healthy soil ecosystem

9) Improve soil structure with compost mulch techniques
The organic mulch breaks down into nutrients that can be used by your plants. They are also a slow release of nutrients that don’t go quickly so they aren’t easily washed away. Some types of mulch can also provide insect and weed control.  Adding these natural materials to your soil helps create better soil structure and prevent erosion. With all the added benefits, it’s easy to see why many people prefer organic methods over synthetic ones.

10) Switching is easy, inexpensive, and yields positive results.
Switching to organic fertilizer is easy. You can just find a ready-made product at the local gardening store, and it will come with detailed instructions on how much to apply. The process is inexpensive; the initial cost of switching over won’t break the bank because you don’t need a whole lot of any single ingredient.

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Top 10 reasons to switch to organic fertilizer for your garden.

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