
Reasons why the car won’t start

There are a few things that disappoint us in life and if the car won’t start is on top of that list. If this happens, there are a number of reasons behind it.  Some of them can be investigated and corrected before visiting the mechanic.

The moment you insert the key into the ignition, you turn it expecting the engine to start. But you may get a clicking sound or the engine will just crank continuously without turning over. Knowing the difference between these two situations will help to diagnose the reasons why the car won’t start.

1. Steering on lock mode.

The steering locks when you turn off the car’s engine without putting the gear in park for automatic cars or in neutral for the manual cars. Secondly, the steering locks when you turn off the car engine while still moving the steering wheel.

The car won’t start when the steering is in lock mode. The solution is to giggle the steering wheel gently as you’re turning the key in ignition. This will help to loosen  the steering wheel. Further, it will allow you start the engine after the steering wheel lock mode is off.

2. Empty fuel tank.

In order for the car to start, it involves there are three things. Namely, fuel, air and electric spark. The spark plug obtains electric volts from the car’s battery, which it transfers through wiring to the combustion chamber. This electric spark then ignites the fuel and air mixture within the combustion chamber to produce power for the engine. Having no fuel in the fuel tank will cause the car not to start. Because fuel is a key ingredient of the engine starting pr威而鋼

3. Dead car battery.

This is one of the major suspects when the car won’t start. The first thing people think about and check is the car battery. There are many causes of a dead car battery. But that’s not our day’s discussion. The battery is an essential part of the car starting process.

It provides the amounts of voltage that are necessary for the combustion of fuel and air mixture. If the battery is dead there will be no supply of electric volts that are necessary for starting the vehicle. The solution could be to just jumpstart the car. Otherwise, if the battery has passed a certain period of time then it will be difficult to jumpstart. Further, if the expiry dates have passed, then jumpstarting will be a common thing for you until you replace the battery.

4. Faulty spark plug.

The spark plug is at the center of the vehicle ignition  process. The spark plug gets electric charge from the battery and ignites the fuel and air mixture in the combustion chamber. A faulty spark plug is one of the causes for a car to shake when idle. Further, it leads to engine misfires.

The spark plug may become faulty because of  flooded petrol engine. This happens when the engine is turned off almost immediately after a cold start. The fuel injector floods the combustion chamber with fuel which doesn’t burn completely because the engine was turned off too quickly. This fuel stays here and contacts the spark plug causing it to rust.

You will be able to identify that the engine is flooded when you turn the key in ignition and you hear a whirring sound. Secondly, when the engine is cranking constantly without turning over. Thirdly, a strong fuel smell inside the car.

5. Battery Corrosion.

In some cases the battery terminals are exposed to corrosive agents that are accumulated. Corrosion comes about when the acid leaks to the battery terminals and starts a reaction with the connections. Clean the battery terminal connections thoroughly if you notice battery corrosion.

Disconnect the negative terminal first before moving to disconnect the positive terminal. Afterwards, use a soft bristle brush to clean the corrosion and restore the original battery terminal look. Afterwards, reconnect the battery terminal connections starting with the positive and then finishing with the negative terminal.

6. Faulty timing belt.

The timing belt is responsible for ensuring the valves open and close at the proper timing. Further, it ensures that the car’s pistons and the valves never touch. For this reason, a failing timing belt could cause extensive damage to the engine. This is a part of the car’s engine that needs proper maintenance otherwise if it is faulty the car won’t start.

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