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What is brand in hotel industry?


A brand is a consistent set of functional, emotional promises to the target consumer. They are unique, meaningful, and hard to imitate and responsive to his needs. That’s why in marketing there is a brand consultancy. A brand is a set of perceptions in the mind of the consumer. However, this versatile and ambiguous concept should be considered in various aspects, namely as:

  • legal instrument;
  • Identification system;
  • Campaign
  • Identification system;
  • The image in the imagination of buyers;
  • Face;
  • Attitude;
  • Added value;
  • evolutionary essence.

As a legal instrument of the hospitality industry, this branding is an investment on the part of the hospitality industry like hotel marketing service and is usually done to produce some kind of economic outcome.

The culture, the employees, the hotel development program and what creates the hotel product are also clear distinctions. And value for consumers and are the basis for building relationships with consumers.

When developing the hotel business of its brand as an identification system, specialists strive to create a set of visual signs that. In the ideal case, carry a semantic load (symbol, color, slogan, image, etc.), which allows you to establish a connection between the hotel business. This brand and customers set a clear position of the hotel business. It’s brand in the system of values ​​and preferences of consumers.

The branding product creates in the imagination of consumers a lot of unique associations (images) for each person, which quite possibly does not correspond much to the realities of the hotel product itself. Everyone perceives it in their own way and creates their own image of a hotel product.

People tend to attribute human, personal characteristics to things around them. When choosing one or another hotel product, the buyer prefers the one that, in his opinion, meets the required properties.

Due to the fact that business services and brands can be personalized on the part of buyers, relationships can be established between people and hotel products. That are similar to relationships between people. Moreover, experts note that the hotel product itself can have a position relative to the buyer. (hotel businesses and brands of expensive tours are created with elements of a certain superiority over a potential buyer – “try to buy me, I’m very expensive, not for a person from the crowd”. For example, – “Holidays in the Canary Islands”),

Of the entire range of tasks facing the hotel and household brand. One of the most important are: distinguishing it from others, achieving competitive advantages and the possibility of setting a higher price. All this becomes possible when the buyer is confident in the superiority of this hotel product. The consumer is willing to pay a higher price for the best (real or perceived) quality.

In this case, we are talking about the fact that the hotel business brand evolves over time, and, turning from a “non-solid household branded commodity” into a “relationship”, changes the relationship between the hotel business and the consumer.

The trademark of a hotel product is a legal, official concept, while a hotel business brand exists only in the minds of consumers. The concept of a hotel business brand is wider since it additionally includes. The hotel product itself with all its characteristics;. A set of characteristics, expectations, associations perceived by the user and attributed to them of the hotel product (Hotel product image). As well as promises of any benefits given by the author of the hotel business brand to consumers. That is, the meaning that the creators of the hotel business product put into it themselves.

You can try to address a wide range of consumer-related questions:

  • Who uses it?
  • Where does he use it?
  • How does he use it?
  • Why does he use it?
  • Who creates?

In order to create a successful hotel brand, you need to know as much as possible about the hotel product and its components. After all, unusual sources can prompt an original idea, sometimes even completely unrelated to the hotel product that is being studied. For example, if the target audience is students, scientists, then it makes sense to turn to specialized publications that they read in search of interesting and sonorous terms.

When forming the idea of ​​a hotel brand, one should imagine the target audience as clearly as possible. And not abstractly, but using concrete examples. You need to imagine what the target audience wants. What interests them, what they are fond of, how they look, what they talk about.




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