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Basic Reasons Your Website Sucks

Website design Dundee, Your website may not be doing what it should be. Here are a few tips to fix this problem. Not being in the right mindset. If you feel like your website is not attracting any new business, you might be doing something wrong. Try putting yourself in your potential customer’s shoes. If you don’t want your site to feel like an afterthought, your customer will, too. Read on for more.

Putting yourself in the shoes of your potential customer

When designing your website, put yourself in your potential customers’ shoes. Think about the things they will look for in your website and try to find them. Are there important details that they will find confusing? Do they have to read lots of information before they decide if you’re worth their time? Think about your website’s user experience and how your site will make them feel. Your website should be an experience that keeps them on your site longer.

Website design Dundee, You can start by observing the way your website looks to your prospective customers. For instance, do you think your potential customers would want to read six paragraphs on your business philosophy? Do they have the patience to browse through the site? Would you want to spend an extra three minutes looking for your products or services? If so, your homepage should make this easy for them to find. Moreover, it should also give them all the information they need.

Putting your website in the right mindset

Putting your website in the right mindset starts with you. Face any personal problems that are preventing you from being productive and focus on your business. Putting yourself in your customer’s shoes will help you understand their mindsets and make them feel more comfortable visiting your website. Once you’re in their mindset, you can start to create the best possible product. Make your website appealing and relevant to their needs, and you’ll see your sales increase dramatically.

Being a pushover

A pushover is someone who is easily influenced, persuaded, or defeated. They can’t say no, they feel guilty if they refuse, and they try to please everyone. Pushovers burn out the fastest. Instead of trying to please everyone, learn to say no. Be confident in your opinions and stand your ground. Then, you won’t have to apologize for saying no. Here are some tips to avoid becoming a pushover on your website.

Being a pushover on your website doesn’t mean that you are a doormat. While it may feel nice to be popular, it’s not beneficial for your business. Likewise, you shouldn’t be too quick to finish work started by others. Instead, make the effort to be reliable and authentic. This will earn you respect and admiration from your team members. It will also help you avoid becoming a pushover.

Not being mobile friendly

There are many consequences of not being mobile friendly on your website. First of all, your visitors may not be able to see your content on their phones. You need to design your website so that it is readable on all types of screens. It is also important to have a responsive design. Website design Dundee, A responsive website changes its layout and appearance to fit the size of the screen it is being displayed on. Then, you can optimize the site to be responsive to the different size screens of different devices.

The reason you should be mobile friendly is because more than half of all online consumers will use their mobile devices to search the internet. Web Design Dundee, Those using 360×640 resolution mobile devices are likely to find your content difficult to read. Additionally, the resolution of mobile devices makes tapping links difficult. If you don’t have an optimized website for mobile, you’ll be losing out on potential customers. Not being mobile friendly on your website will cost you dearly in the long run.


The word “usability” has become an overused buzzword and can be difficult to define. There are several different definitions of the term, most of which are too vague to be of much use. One of the most practical approaches for improving usability is through the VIMM Model. Website design Dundee, It’s based on the fact that human short-term memory is extremely poor, so we should never expect our users to grasp complex concepts.

Website Design Scotland

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether a website is usable or not. Users are increasingly accustomed to certain elements on a page, such as the back button, which takes them to the home page. They can also use a down arrow to expand a section without moving to another page. Furthermore, a drop-down list should have a preview when hovered. This is one of the most common usability features, and they’re almost ubiquitous on websites today. Forgetting even one of these is incredibly annoying. So, if you’re a website owner, make sure you pay attention to these things.

Technical errors

There are many ways your website can be broken. Poor coding could cause your site to function incorrectly, or the add-on installed on your website was not installed properly. A classic example of this is a broken contact form. A broken contact form frustrates visitors and hurts your business. Here are four of the most common reasons why your website may be having technical difficulties. If you’re looking for a quick solution to your website’s problem, follow these steps.

Lack of mobile friendliness

If you’re not mobile-friendly, you’re likely losing half of your website’s traffic. Most website platforms have a mobile editing view. To keep your site mobile-friendly, make sure all links and forms work. Make sure your site is mobile-ready by utilizing the latest web development tools. You can start by taking advantage of Google’s new Core Web Vitals service, which will be released in spring 2020. This tool will measure the user experience of your website and highlight areas of improvement. Core Web Vitals represents a unique part of the user experience that reflects the real-world experience of a website visitor. The test will measure the load time, visual stability, and interactivity of your website.

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