Arts and Entertainment

Drama Schools: Get Your Child Something Different

Do you want to enroll your children in a special after-school or summer program? What would be better than something that helps them grow mentally while enjoying it? Well, drama school is the place that you can think of as an excellent side activity and skill development. At organizations, like ours, at Helen O’ Grady drama academy, there can be proud provision variety of theatrical classes for children, including our regular live sessions and summer programs in Singapore drama school

Reasons Why Children Must Take Drama Classes

  • Children will not face any pressure

A theatre class is not an academic course and does not have any examinable components, which makes children feel relaxed during the session. Rather, it takes a comprehensive and organic approach that focuses on developing immersed skills. Each term concludes with a short performance put on by the students. Children can attend courses without feeling worried because there are no exams to study for.

Moreover, they will enjoy learning, while developing their skills and communication and will feel refreshed in the class.

  • Drama is more than just fun

No matter whether your child dreams of becoming an actor or not. You should still discuss taking acting courses with him or her. This is because these seminars are not simply for aspiring performers. There are varieties of ways that acting classes for kids can benefit young people.

The children can overcome many fears that they face as young students at school. More than just an activity, drama classes help your child to fight issues such as stage fear and such. Moreover, they start becoming more creative with growing age. 

  • Drama improves memory power

They have lines and different stage directions. They come across remembering long scripts when acting, even in short pieces. Like your biceps or core, your memory is a muscle that becomes stronger with the workout. Giving your child extra memory practice will help them remember figures in class and apply methods that will come in handy later in life.

  • Kids will be at a benefit in school

Children learn to project their voices across the room without injuring their vocal cords. They learn the fundamentals of timing; they regulate their tone of voice, and loudness to connect with their audience from drama teachers. For school group discussions, and presentations, well-developed oratory abilities are essential. When they submit proposals in a corporate setting as adults, these skills will serve them well. They improve in skills like listening carefully, self-discipline, and knowing to respect deadlines.

Keeping track of time in debates and speeches is critical for a student. Drama classes help them to manage their time effectively for whatever assignment they are assigned. Speech and drama classes improve your child’s listening abilities, allowing him or her to focus on the keywords and important themes discussed in class, saving most of the time.

  • They become more adaptable

Drama programs teach children how to adjust to changing circumstances. This enables them to be less reactive when new situations arise and to accept change more readily, both on stage and in life. They become more adaptable, flexible in school, and later in the workplace. This can provide your children an advantage on stage, as well as an advantage when it comes to finding a career when they get older.

  • Children gain self-confidence

Children are different, and so is their approach to everything. For some, standing in front of hundred people and giving a speech must be easy, while for some might feel self-conscious after facing a huge mass of people in front. However, trying it once can assist them in overcoming their stage fear. 

 Here, drama classes can be a huge help. Speaking, acting, memorizing dialogues prepare them for daily life be it in school or outside. The more they behave the more self-assurance and self-confidence they will gain. They will realize that acting is a skill that they can master. This lesson can be used in a variety of situations.

  • They learn to build relationships

Actors seldom appear on stage by themselves, and even when they do, it takes an entire theatre staff to bring the play to life. Young actors learn how to collaborate to put on a fantastic presentation. Even people who are not team players will be able to see how a group of actors must work together to make a show a success.

  • Drama improves the EQ of children

Enhanced Emotional Quotient is perhaps the largest and intangible benefit of youngsters attending speech and drama sessions. This talent, often known as EQ, entails the capacity to interpret the signals of others and react appropriately. 

Final Words

The above-mentioned points are some of the many reasons that will help your child’s growth. Therefore, you should give a thought about your children’s development from a younger age so that it will help them in the future. In addition, finding a worthy place for your child is equally important; Helen O Grady is the one that you trust as the best speech and drama class in Singapore.

We provide various sessions from thinking tots to Youth Theater with every age group of students, involving them in the development of many life skills. 


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