Digital Marketing

Trends that will mark Digital Marketing in 2023

Digital Marketing Trends

Trends that will mark Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is always evolving, what worked yesterday may not work today, and what works today may not work tomorrow. For this reason, it is important to be up to date with the latest trends and developments in this world, and to have adequate training in digital marketing.

So what can we expect in digital marketing in 2023? Here are some trends that we think will shape the future of digital marketing.

Voice search

Today, voice search should be essential in any company’s digital marketing strategy. And you will ask yourself, what does voice search really consist of? How can I apply this strategy in my company? We tell you.

Voice search is a technology that allows the user to make a query orally by replacing the search bar.

This act that seems so simple and is practically instantaneous has its complexity. Its mechanism undergoes constant modifications since the voice is a complex communication element that varies according to the intonation or emotions of the speaker, among other things. It is artificial intelligence based on machine learning that processes these voice searches.

In a company, this technology can be used so that users can use it both on the web and in an application if it had one.

Voice search can be done through different devices, but the most used are Smartphones, so it must be taken into account that our website is responsive, that is, that its design adapts to different devices.

On the other hand, it is very important to take into account the close relationship between this voice search and SEO. In this type of search, conversational keywords are very important. It must be taken into account that when a user uses voice search, the keywords are more specific, geolocated and human, they are what we call “long tail keywords”.

In a world where everything is moving fast and we are doing more things at the same time, it is interesting that companies take this voice search technique into account in their strategy, as it helps to optimize users’ time.

personalized ads

Another trend that is taking digital marketing by storm is personalized ads.

These ads appear to users based on their interests. Thanks to the new personalization technologies, advertising currently adapts to searches or the type of views that the user makes, but how do they work?

Ad customizers are equivalent to keywords that are enclosed in {—–}. This parameter will be replaced by the dynamic text that we have indicated once the ad is activated by a user’s search. This customization can be used throughout an ad except in the urls

Some of the advantages provided by this type of ads are:

  • Ads specific to the user based on their searches or the web page they visit.
  • Use a single ad adapting it to different users.
  • Optimize our campaigns by improving traffic through Adwords.

Mindful Marketing

Mindful marketing is born from the term “mindfulness” and refers to the ability to focus on “the here and now”.

In digital marketing, mindful marketing is a technique that companies use to find solutions to the real problems of their customers. It allows us to analyze what are the current interests and what are their values.

Increasingly, society demands greater responsibility in different global problems, be they environmental, social, political, etc.

With this technique, companies get closer to their public by contributing their grain of sand to these problems.

Keys to apply it in your business

  • Empathize with your target.
  • Establish some values ​​for your company.
  • Show your commitment.
  • Carry out corporate actions to show the values ​​of your company.
  • Be transparent.

Video Marketing

Video is one of the most powerful tools of a marketer. Not only is it a great way to engage your audience, but it’s also extremely shareable. As consumers continue to demand more video content, brands will need to invest in creating high-quality video assets, but what is video marketing?

As its name indicates, video marketing is a tool based on the use of audiovisual elements. It is essential to add it to your content marketing strategy since it generates multiple advantages. Also check Descargar videos de Facebook

Advantages of Video Marketing

Generates a good ROI

Video marketing increases traffic to web pages, time spent, helps customers better understand a company’s products or services, generates leads, and increases sales.

Build trust with your customers

Video marketing is a good strategy to connect and show yourself close to your audience. The image, the video, the music and the content, as a whole, generate a great impact.

Increase conversions and sales

Video marketing has the ability to convert users into customers. Companies are interested in adding a video of their products or services on the landing, as it improves the conversion rate.

Improve SEO positioning

Good optimized video marketing content can help businesses climb search engine rankings.


Chatbots are a great way to provide personalized customer service. As they progress they will be able to perform more complex tasks like making product recommendations and booking appointments.

This computer technology based on artificial intelligence is capable of having conversations with a person automatically, as a virtual assistant. Its purpose is to answer the most frequent questions from users.

We encourage you to put everything mentioned in this post into practice in your strategy and to continue increasing your training in digital marketing since, as you know, it is constantly changing and what was a trend yesterday may not be today.

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