
Video Games Recommendations for University Students

Many students hate working on their education and wants to do activities like playing games. They dislike reading, writing, and learning their coursework despite doing it every day. Why? Well, firstly, it’s hard. I mean, you have to wake up, get ready, start working, read through a lot of academic material, research, write, edit, proofread, and more. And that’s only one side of the educational challenges.

The other is managing everything before a deadline while also keeping your personal life in check. Trust us. It’s pretty hard without support from dissertation services.

Therefore, it isn’t surprising that many students struggle in college or university. Even if they have a lot of fun with their friends and lifestyle, it can be hard to bear the academic challenges.

But do you know what students like?

Having fun!

So, what fun activity are we going to focus on today? If you read the title, you already know the answer. They’re on our phones, laptops, and consoles. Video games! And in 2022, they’re more accessible than ever! Wait! Why are we talking about video games when you have so much work to complete?

That’s a good question! Let’s answer it:

Why Should Students Focus on Video Games?

If you’re following along so far, you may wonder why our dissertation services are focusing on video games. But there is a solid reason behind it.

They’re good for you!

Yes! Young gamers everywhere can rejoice! Not only are video games good for you, but they also have many positive benefits. For instance, they help

  • Build dexterity
  • Increase cognitive abilities
  • Problem solving
  • Improve teamwork

But that’s not all they can do for students who play them. Video games can also stimulate a person’s concentration, creativity, and memory. That’s why our dissertation services think students should make them a part of their lives.

Of course, our UK dissertation help team isn’t ignoring the addictive nature of gaming or saying that you should ignore your work. Instead, we suggest using video games occasionally. That way, you can become better players while enjoying the academic benefits.

Here is a look at some of them below:

Cognitive Benefits

Video games require players to think constantly. They need to:

  • Calculate their next moves
  • Plan ahead
  • Develop varied skills
  • Gather resources
  • Memorise different aspects for different levels

All that requires a ton of cognitive activity. As a result, students are playing train their brains while playing the game.

Creative Benefits

Video games aren’t all about beating levels and fighting monsters. Some are all about creating things. For instance, you can be in a Lego game where you have to build impressive structures out of Lego. Or perhaps a game where you just need to paint pictures. These help students grow creatively.

Problem Solving Benefits

Most games present players with problems without solutions. In other words, it’s their goal to make students:

  • Understand the issues
  • Think outside the box
  • Come up with a way to overcome a problem

This helps build problem solving skills that students can use anywhere.

Social Benefits

A lot of games require players to work cooperatively to accomplish tasks and achieve goals. This social dynamic helps foster teamwork and co-dependency with others. As a result, helping students build communication and understanding.

What Games Should Students Play?

So, you’re now on the same page as our dissertation services. You understand video games could also be good for you and that they have many benefits. But you may be wondering what comes next. Yes, there’s one question we haven’t touched.

What games should you play as a student? After all, there are so many types, genres, and themes to choose from.

Do you pick an RPG or an FPS game?

Perhaps an adventure game or maybe something third-person!

Don’t worry. We’ll give you our recommendation associated with each of the above benefits:


A great game for cognitive boosts, creative thinking, social development and problem solving. Minecraft’s an open-world sandbox survival game where players can create whatever they want. That’s why it’s the first item on our list. You can go out into the world, gather resources, develop items and weapons, and use all of them to construct buildings and structures wherever and however, you want. The game is out on every platform too. It’s even on your phone.

Call of Duty

This game combines on-the-go thinking, fast-paced action, and a lot of teamwork. That’s why we think it’s a great option for students. Call of Duty is a first-person game where players engage in complex, fast-paced battles against each other. This requires them to think quick and work together to overcome other teams. As a result, students who play this game build communication, teamwork, and quick-thinking skills. Call of Duty is available on all digital platforms, including mobile phones.

Assassin’s Creed

A historical game with challenging stealth and action gameplay. Assassin’s Creed is a game that blends fiction and history together. It allows players to travel back in time and explore historical cities like Rome and Egypt while engaging with a complex sci-fi plot. But the real magic is the gameplay, where players must think outside the box to overcome and infiltrate enemy bases. Students who play this game learn about history while also using their cognitive thinking skills to solve complex puzzles and level challenges. You can find Assassin’s Creed on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.


That’s all we have for our gaming enthusiast students today. But we hope you enjoyed our recommendations. The games above are only some titles that can benefit students. Of course, countless other games can teach you more about your field. And they can even help you learn real-life skills. So, try to check out as many as you can. But remember, video game addiction is also a real problem. That’s why you should always control how much you play. Don’t overdo it. Instead, dedicate time to the hobby occasionally. That way, you’ll only get the benefits.

And if you don’t have time to game but require academic assistance, that’s okay too. There are dissertation services that provide solutions for that.

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