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What are demographics? Why is it important in marketing?

Although they may sound simple, demographics can be very useful to marketers. We will show you why in this article.

What is it?

Demographic data can be defined as all information that identifies an individual’s human group at a particular time.

Demographic data include their nationality, age, and sex as well as address, marital status, education level, occupation, income, and marital status. This information is required in every population census.

Marketing is an example of this concept. The objective is to understand the interests and create individual profiles.

Marketing data includes information such as:

  • Lifestyle
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Shopping for clothing, electronics, furniture, and travel?
  • Type of buyer (impulsive, search for deals, buy online)

There are many ways to get demographic data from customers. These include having them fill out forms when they register on a company website. Collecting it through surveys.

Why are demographics so important for marketing

Customers today expect a personal experience. Amazon’s personalized offers are a good example.

Demographics are a way for marketers to better understand the person by providing a wider context. Because they can anticipate and predict the needs of their customers, those who know their demographics can offer relevant and personalized content.

This kind of customization has been proven profitable. Personalized offers are more appealing than any other form of communication.

Which demographics are most important?

This is just one aspect you should pay attention to. Although demographics are essential and helpful, they are not all that important for every business.

Each business and each area have its focus and objectives. Therefore, every company will choose which data to use. If you sell package tours via a website, for example, it is important to know who regularly travels and who purchases online. It would also be useful to know the age and whereabouts of those who live there. It would be crucial to identify those who have a high income and send them a brochure.

The situation for those selling video games is very different. They’ll target young adults and millennials with their online gambling habits and use of technological devices.

Why Use Demographics in Marketing?

Marketing success depends on the demographics. Marketers can use the data to their advantage by targeting different demographics with unique characteristics. Some of the more popular types of demographics are age, income, location, and gender. Read on to learn more about each of these categories.  These are some examples of times you might want to think about these factors.


One of the main reasons to use demographics in your marketing is to better understand your target audience. This will allow you to focus your marketing efforts on a small number of people. Age is the most important type. The older you are, the less likely you are to sell to this demographic. A higher income, for example, means that you’ll be able to target a more profitable audience. However, a lower-income audience might not be as likely to respond to your campaign, so you should be aware of their income and other lifestyle factors.


The bottom line is that the more information you have about your client the more useful and personalized offers you can send to them. This will increase consumer loyalty and brand identification, which in turn will lead to a higher return on your marketing investment.


And the location plays a key role in the pandemic. Google and Apple have enormous data about the locations of people using their geolocation system. They share this information with due cautions to authorities to verify that the quarantine has been fulfilled.



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