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Want to deal with your divorce peacefully? Hire a divorce mediator!

Divorce Mediator: Your divorce can end in two ways. You can either end it on good terms with your ex-spouse making it a much safer and more comfortable environment for your children, or it will end up bitterly, making it challenging for you to move past the mental trauma it will become for you your children. Therefore, it is best to keep your options open. You do not necessarily have to take your divorce to court, especially if you both are willing to talk it out in a civil fashion.

Unfortunately, many couples opt for fighting it out in court. It is an unhealthy way to deal with breaking up a long-term relationship. It endangers your mental peace and can also negatively impact your children and immediate family. If I were you, I’d be looking for a divorce mediator near me to avoid the time-consuming hassle of court and end the marriage in a civilized yet respectful manner.


To understand the details of a divorce mediator, it is best if you understand what mediation exactly is. It is a conversation between two parties in front of a qualified person who understands the matter and is willing to mediate a conversation between them. It means that a mediator has to act in the best interest of both people as he is not legally allowed to take any sides. 

So what’s the difference between a lawyer and a mediator?

A lawyer is someone who specifically went to a Law School to get his degree. He then starts his practice and ensures victory for his client and loss for their rivals. A lawyer, however, can also be a mediator only if he is neutral and aims to serve both parties with justice. However, a lawyer as a divorce mediator is not allowed to give legal advice to either party. Instead, he is there solely to strike a bargain for both sides.

A mediator, however, can be anyone. If the matter is business-relating, then a successful person in business with a credible character can also provide services as a mediator. It does not necessarily have to be a lawyer. Unlike lawyers, a mediator has to create a win-win situation for both parties and does not have to be biase against anyone. 

Advantages of a divorce mediator 

The court is never worth the hassle. You have to go through numerous legal formalities. It is an elaborate process that takes. It does not necessarily mean it doesn’t work, but it can contribute to making matters worse due to its longevity.

Meditation is a huge advantage because you do not have to fight over anything. As a neutral person mediates the conversation in a neutral venue, both parties do not have any benefit. However, both parties must be willing to discuss it and not drag the matter to court. 

Another advantage mediation brings to the table is secrecy. Most couples do not want to get their low-point into the spotlight. Therefore mediation can be of immense help if you plan on keeping it a secret. But, of course, the mediator has to keep the client’s privacy.

There is much more to mediation apart from the benefits mentioned above. It is cost-effective. If you feel like the conflict can grow if you have to face the other party, the mediator can meet both of them separately. It is safe to say that mediation is a safer way to go, but if it fails, there will be no other choice than to take the matter to court. 

What can be decided through divorce mediation?

Usually, the court decides divorce matters for you after going through all the evidence and facts. However, matters like child custody or assets division can cause a lot of bitterness between both individuals. So, mediation can be a good choice if you want to part ways with equal financial liabilities. Child custody can also be decided through mediation.

Another critical issue that mediation can help you with is spousal and child support. It is the financial aid for the ex-spouse and the children, respectively. Child support must be paying to the parent getting their custody. And the spouse receiving the spousal support must be the one who will be struggling to make ends meet due to the divorce. It is a legal obligation on the higher-earning partner to ensure that their ex-spouse gets some financial help till they get back on their feet.

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