
What is SMM Panel and What It Does? (API SMM PANEL)

SMM, which stands for Social Media Marketing, is known as social media marketing. In this sector, people or companies usually provide the service privately. The overall purpose of the system is to help a company, person or brand increase advertising impact, value and customer reach. The system does this with the social media jobs it provides. The system enables all social networks. Often, panels offer the chance to buy followers or likes at a lower cost than those purchased outside. To explain the reason for this, we can explain it as follows, wholesale purchases are always cheaper. We load balances in these panels and make expenditures in line with the balances we load. We use the system to our satisfaction. The system is also calling as API SMM Panel.

How Do I Order in SMM Panel, How Does the Order Creation Process Work?

In general, the order creation process of SMM Panels is very simple. It consists of certain stages. We have listed these stages below.

  • Category Selection
  • Service Selection
  • Link Entry
  • Amount to Ship

After completing these stages, we create our orders and wait for their completion. 90% of SMM Panels are automatic, that is, they work with API, and 10% are manual.

(You can place an order 24/7 for orders placed via API, but orders placed through manual panels are delivered to you at certain time intervals.)

What Is The API System How Does It Work?

It is an interface that provides communication between programs, known as API, that is, Application Programming Interface. It is the healthiest way to establish a direct connection between two panels. We have listed below what you can do with the help of API.

  • You can create automatic orders from your remote panel.
  • You can check and update the status of your order.
  • In addition, you can query your current balance.

When you own or rent a new SMM Panel, you generally encounter a very simple API binding function.

These functions are divided into two.

  1. API URL on SMM Panel
  2. API Key on SMM Panel

You can get the API URL from the API page of the panel you use the system. Generally, it is in the form of or Don’t forget to check it out though. You can get the API Key mostly from the My Account page. A representative API Key may appear in the form of “38af658392060efa0ed68967ebefe488” or a very different format.

If I Own or Rent an SMM Panel, Is There a Possibility to Become a User? I Have My Own User, Can I Make Sales If I Own a Panel?

Let’s answer the first question first. No, there is no such possibility. The reason is that SMM Panels do not have a function such as user retention. It has no such features. You do not directly log in to these panels with your social media accounts in the form of id-pass. You design a classic panel account (e-mail, username, password) and perform your transactions.

Moving on to the second question, our answer is definitely yes. Of course you can. Today, most of the panel owners already use their own data in this way.

What is the Difference Between Owning and Renting an SMM Panel?

Although it may seem like there is not much difference, there are actually many differences between them. If you are the owner of SMM Panel and buy it (we definitely recommend that the panel you buy is a licensed original SMM Panel). After you complete your installation, a wonderful system awaits you. Click here to purchase SMM Panel. You can change the area you want in the site, if you have CSS, JS knowledge, you can get a unique and original site according to your mind.

Just be careful, do not forget to take backups in every transaction, because SMM Panels are coded in a very different design than the scripts we know. You pay for its hosting, SSL and domain. But if you choose the rental option, you will remove the hosting and have SSL and domain coverage. (Some panel providers provide SSL themselves.) The type of transaction you can do here is limited. You have no chance to access FTP or cPanel. You can’t play around with files like that, even you can only connect contracted APIs with some panel providers. This may bother you a bit and you may want to find a new provider after paying the initial rental price.

How to Make Sales on SMM Panel, How to Earn Profit?

Let’s say you don’t have your own data, you have found a reliable and quality provider. We added our products to the system, and made each product compatible with the API SMM panel. During these processes, open a demo account and test your system with a test subject. Unfortunately, the next process is not only via wire transfer/eft.

As we are in the age of technology, the man wants to buy your service directly by credit card or by making a mobile payment. For this, we are faced with two companies. The first is Paywant and the other is PayTR. Most of the panels serving in the world prefer to use these two companies as online payment method.

How to Sell on SMM Panel?

If you ask the difference between the two, you have no chance to create an account from PayTR without being a taxpayer. That’s why you can tend to Paywant, after submitting your application on Paywant they will review your site and approve your account if found appropriate. In Paywant applications, you can ask “when did you open the site?”, “what is your monthly income?” such questions are asked.

Let’s say you have an agreement with Paywant. Now your site has become a fully professional SMM Panel. Let’s assume that the sale of Instagram real Likes is 10 cents at the API SMM Panel provider you have agreed, you need to put your profit on it and put it up for sale. I do not recommend 100% profit rate because their prices are too high compared to competing SMM Panels. That’s why rates like 50-60% will be more beneficial for you.

Thus, you will keep an average of $5 of the $10 balance that the user who comes to you has loaded, and the rest will belong to the service provider. Let’s say you add all your products with a 50% rate and you have sales of $100, $50, $200, $100. Don’t tire yourself, collect all the balances, it’s $50. Your profit percentage was 50%. Thus, by giving $250 directly to the service provider, no user will waste your balance in your service provider and your orders will not be delayed. Also, when you calculate after a few days, it doesn’t make you feel cold by thinking about “how did this balance end”.

Does SMM Have Troubles in Panels Through Legal Ways, or Is It Legal?

If you are planning to enter this business, you should first have information about the services you provide. So, if you go and write 100% Full Turkish Followers, if 70% of them are Thai men, the buyer can get angry at you and swear at you, even threaten and chase the court. If you go and swear at the man, then it gets personal and he can sue you directly.

However, in the event of a possible missing follower, if there is a surprise in the region, that is, a foreign follower is sending instead of a real one, provide small compensations in order not to lose that customer in case of delay. If you can, cancel the order, return the balance; use it in other services. You can add additional bonus balance.

If you write “this is our bank account, make your payment here, write these explanations” in every corner of the site, someone will come and complain about you. A tiny little warning, don’t put payment details in the eyes of customers with such huge huge fonts and huge pop-ups.

If you only use an online payment method, there is no problem, because Paywant or PayTR takes care of the necessary transactions for you. Do not forget to add the User Agreement, Privacy Rules, policies and pages on your site.


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