Health and Fitness

Benefits of Dental Implants Services

Dental implants are a kind of tooth replacement used to return lost teeth.

Your teeth are designed to last a lifetime, but they don’t always! Replacing lost teeth is crucial for both your general health and the healthiness of your remaining teeth. When you lose a tooth, you lose your ability to chew, and unreplaced teeth can cause neighboring teeth to be lost, tipped, or crowded, causing additional problems.

There are also obvious aesthetic and self-esteem difficulties with one or more missing teeth. As a result, dental implants Morrisville should always be considered when a tooth is declining or missing. However, for more than 50 years, dental implants have repaired lost teeth and are broadly accepted as a viable therapeutic option. Furthermore, treatment is more predictable than bridgework, resin-bonded bridges, and endodontic treatment.

It would help if you made the difficult decision to have dental implants implanted to replace one or more missing teeth. Because of their extensive experience and training, many practitioners, including general dentists, are qualified to place implants. In addition, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry can answer your dental implant questions.

What precisely are dental implants, and how do they work?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that replace missing tooth roots. They serve as the basis for a new tooth, crown, or set of teeth.

Is it feasible for me to receive implants?

Patients undergoing implant surgery range in age from teenagers to seniors, and implants may be the best solution for anyone missing one or more teeth due to injury, disease, or decay. They are also helpful for people who are unable to wear detachable dentures. Your dentist can determine if you are a candidate for dental implants after carefully reviewing your dental and medical history.

Are there several kinds of implants?

Implants are available in various shapes, sizes, and brands. Your AAID-certified implant dentist will be able to advise you on the best implant for you.

Is my body made up of enough bone?

The patient’s bone must be strong enough to support the implant. If you don’t have enough bone, various safe and effective treatments are available. Your dentist will evaluate it and advise you whether extra bone material is required.

Is this going to be a lengthy process?

The length of your treatment will vary substantially based on your specific demands. As a result, each situation necessitates an individual evaluation; your AAID dentist will be able to offer you an approximate schedule.

Who should I visit for my implant procedure?

Your general dentist is the first place to go for this surgery. The implant dentist’s training, skill, and credentials are critical. AAID-certified general dentists, periodontists, prosthodontists, and oral surgeons conduct surgical and restorative procedures.


Is it possible for dental implants to become infected with cavities?

It’s a constant cause of concern for me. This is not an issue with dental implants. Because the implants are made of titanium, they do not form cavities. After the implant has healed, you will brush and floss it like any other tooth.

Why are dental implants so expensive?

Consider the following factors if you’re wondering why dental implants are so expensive: Dental implant surgery is a technical as well as a cosmetic treatment. You pay for the dentist’s knowledge. As a result, the price of implant posts and dental crowns has risen.

Do implants feel the same as natural teeth?

A dental implant has no sensation because it replaces a lost tooth. Any feelings you experience are caused by the gum tissue that surrounds you. This means that the implant will not feel exactly like your natural tooth.

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